Diode Laser treatment: Session Diary

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Hi guys! Like What I promised from my previous post I will now give you in details the results of my Diode laser treatment's  Sessions. I will update this post from time to time so you can see the  affect and results every session of my treatment. Please be reminded that Diode laser treatment's effectiveness varies from one person to another. In my case I have availed the 8 Sessions treatment, Some may need more than 8 sessions depending how strong your hair will hold on.

If you  need to know the details and the process of Diode laser or where I got mine done, I have posted a separate page  for that please click here

Session 1

After  my initial session of diode laser treatment, I was advised not to shower for at least 8 hours. Let my armpits rest, and apply the post laser cream 2x a day for 3 days.
post laser cream 


I was waiting for it to grow one day after my first session... since my armpits were shaved I was expecting it to grow right a way, BUT  the hair did not really grow until after about 3-4 days after.

Here's what I have noticed
◘ The hair on my armpit has become thinner ( you normally get thick hair growing after you shave right? this one is a lot thinner)
◘ The usual itchiness when it grows are gone
◘ The hair is a lot calmer, its not growing in every direction and its more refined
◘ Fewer hair grew compare to normal shavings or plucking
◘My chicken skin is still noticeable but there is an improvement when it comes to the hair growth

My next session will be in 6 weeks time.

Session 2

Hello guys! its been a while! Soooo I decided to update this before I ever forget heheh.. here are the details on the second session of my diode laser

Like what I've done on the previous session I waited for the hair to grow. It only took a day or two for the hair to grow on my UA and here's what I have noticed:

◘ Hair has now become thinner than how it was orignally
◘ Hair on my armpit started to grow in a much slower pace
◘ The hair was a little bit itchy than usual. 
◘ based on my observation the hair has decreased in terms of numbers hahaha

My next session will be in a couple of days time.. I've decided to update this later than I was suppose to so I would like to apologize.. =D 

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