Philippine Payroll Software: An innovation in your Payroll System


Hey guys! Today's post is about Philippine Payroll system Software that is being offered by Mustard Seed Systems Corporation.

What is it? 

It is a payroll Software that offers an innovative way to manage your payroll system for businesses,corporations and the likes.

Why do we need it?

Getting paid timely  and accurately is one of the top things that an employee considers before working in a company. It is also one the reasons why some people  jump from one company to another. We have to admit that most of  the payroll system in the Philippines are being over looked at by many companies causing for mistakes, incorrect data  and failure  for payment to be released on time.  

With the arrival of the ASEAN Economic Community and the ASEAN businesses integration we are now facing greater challenges both locally and regionally, Competitors will be everywhere that is why businesses need to ensure  that they are up for these challenges. The first step is improve from within. One of the key elements in any business is the payroll system. 

When was it established

In 1999, Mustard Seed Systems Corporation developed an in-house Payroll software – Philippine Payroll Software out of its own need to improve its payroll system. After 16 years of its establishment, The Philippine Payroll Software is still being widely use by more than 2000 companies. There is no doubt that Philippine payroll software system can be considered as the most recommended payroll system in the Philippines

How much is it and what comes with it?

the basic version costs PHP 25,900 with a single (1) use licence, it allows maximum of 100 employees is already equipped with the following

◘ Updated Government Tables
◘Complies with RA 9504 New Tax Law
◘Diskette Submission: Bank, SSS, PHIC, Pag-ibig, Alphalist
◘Computes 13th month pay, bonuses, and quit claim
◘Prints Payslip, Journal Entries for Integration to Accounting System
◘Free Biometric Timekeeping Device (model H5)
◘ Free 1day Training for 1 person (MSSC Training Center)
◘Free PRIORITY SUPPORT! Email support and updates within Dec 2015
◘FREE  Biometric  Timekeeping  Device  that  will  enable  you  to     work  with  your  payroll system more accurately.

They also offer different version depending on your need:


For more information:

Contact no:+63(2)535-SEED  / 63(2)535-7333  or  
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  1. Using payroll software allows the business to compile reports at whatever pace they desire. Purchasing software eliminates the expense of hiring an in-house accountant for payroll processing.
    California payroll services

  2. Payroll play important part in any successful business that has employees.

  3. Excellent share!

    According to me Gusto is the best payroll service for the cost, providing full tax support at a lesser cost than the competitors. It’s also one of the easiest programs to use, with number of convenient tools like benefits management and top-rated customer service.

    keep sharing! I would surely look forward!

  4. Great Blog.
    Payroll software is very helpful to any organisation. It helps to increase growth of organisation. Payroll software is maintain employee management.

  5. It really is a good factor to be notable for releasing payroll on the scheduled time and date. In order avoid losing quality employees be sure to integrate a reliable payroll system in the Philippines and make necessary adjustments to meet their needs alongside meeting the company's goals.

  6. Thanks for sharing information with us, Keep on sharing the blog like this.
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