Man's Bestfriend

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L to R : Anushka, Alioth and thier mom Nami
Hey guys! I have been busy these past few months with all the holiday spirit going on and all the family events I needed to attend to. Sooo I wasn't able to update my blog. Today I thought maybe I should perhaps write something .. So I decided to write about one of the things that keeps me busy! Dogs! Ye heard that right :) If you've read my  very first post, I've mentioned  that I am a Dog lover. I currently have 5 of them. I consider them as part of my family so Yes they are my babies :) 

stolen shot LOL

What is your dog's breed? Shihtzu which literally means lion dog in chinese I think. I particularly love this breed because of their temperament. So far I haven't tried handling other breed because I wanted to master on how to handle shihtzu.

Is it easy to have dogs? Yes and No. Dogs need a lot of attention like children. They need you to become the pack leader so they will follow you. Financially wise you have to be ready at least. 

You've got many dogs! What made you decide to have that many?!

Well, at first I only wanted to have one, but there's a saying : You cannot just have one shihtzu, which  is true for me. Once you've got one you won't be able to help your self to have one and another and another only to realize that you've got too many but cannot give up any of them. Do you get what I mean?

What's so good about dog?

I can list down many good facts about having a dog! Here are the things that made me fall in love with them:

◘ They are just adorable!
They are literally the cutest of all especially newborn pups. They look like aliens! A cute alien ahaha

me and  my adroable caoimhe 

◘ They love you more than themselves
This is a fact. They will never get tired of you no matter what you do. They are literally the happiest living thing on earth once they see you at the door after leaving for a few hours.

◘ They will never hate you
Regardless of what you do towards them.. You can be mean to them, You can be an asshole to them (sorry for the word) but they won't ever ever hate you...ever 

◘ Show them love, they will show you love tenfold

Give them love, they will give you love 100x in return.  Give them house , they will give you a warm home you'll never get lonely. Give them food, they will give you  their 100% loyalty and you will never be alone.

Alka and me

◘ Dogs are 100% stress reliever

Check it with mr. google! It is fact :) they are  natural stress relievers. Just seeing them  greeting me  at the door made all the pain from traffic or busy day go away they are very natural at that :D

◘ Dogs are man's best friend 

They won't back stab you.  You can be a bad owner (bad owner don't deserve them!) or even think bad about them.. but to them you are irreplaceable , you are their world, they won't judge you, they won't hate you. You are their precious master. They love you more than themselves.

grooming time

These are only some of the reasons why I love them to bits. There are too many to mention :) The only time that they ever broke my heart is when one of them passed away. To me they are irreplaceable. Someday for sure I'll be able to have children of my own, and I know for sure I won't ever abandoned them, I consider them as my  family.  They are my children.

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