How to get the Newly improved Postal ID

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A couple of days a go I had the chance to go out of my nest (yes my nest since I have been staying at home for quite sometime now and playing online games LOL) Since It was a weekday I've decided to spend it wisely. Me and my boyfriend have always wanted to get the newly improved postal ID. So for today's post I will  tell you about my experience in applying the newly improved postal ID.

Where to apply
Philpost has provided the places and location where you can apply for it you can check out the list here. Since I live in Imus Cavite, we went to the main post office  to apply, which is located in Palico (If you are from Imus just tell the jeepney driver to drop you off in "LTO" they should know where it is)
Google image
Upon arriving, we saw a couple of people who were filling up the forms. I was expecting to line in a long queue however I was surprised to see that it wasn't the case. We must have been lucky :D

We went straight to one of the windows so we could talk to the staff. We were asked if we've got our requirements with us, since I have prepared the night before (I checked the requirements on their website) we gave the required documents without delay. 

After checking the documents we were asked to fill out the application form. It only took us less than 10 minutes to complete them. 

After filling up the application form, we gave it back, We were then asked to pay the required fee which amounted to PHP504.00 inclusive of tax.

After that we were asked to go to the capturing room located at right side of the post office. The room was very small and there was a woman who was in charge of taking our pictures and information.

The woman was very nice and very friendly. I was asked to sit in front of the camera when it was my turn. 
The woman said I can smile but without showing my teeth xD
After taking my pictures, signature and fingerprints, the woman started typing all the information I wrote on my application form into their database. She was nice enough to ask me to verify all the information that she was typing and check if there was any error. I was asked to check it one last time for any error because according to her once it was sent you cannot change it.
I was finally able to smile without laughing
Once it was sent successfully we were given the receipts and was asked to wait for a couple of weeks for our postal ID to be delivered in our house. 

That's it! Wasn't it easy?The whole experience took less than 45 minutes. We were lucky that there weren't many people in the post office so it was seamless and hassle free.

What do you like about it?
♥The whole experience was very easy and hassle free. 
♥The staff were very friendly especially the woman who was in charge of taking pictures. She was very kind to ask me to check everything and she was also very accommodating.
♥ No more community tax and 2x2 pictures wuhaaay
♥Its now recognized as a primary ID (kudos to the government ♥)

Do you think that it is better than before?
Definitely! It is more secured, Our fingerprints were taken which make it harder to make fake ones. Its more durable as well.

How long does it take for it to be delivered?
Mine should take about 15 to 20 days. If you're in a rush there is also an option for you to choose the faster shipment you just need to pay more.

I will get back on this post again so I can update you guys once I receive my postal ID :) 


I just received my postal ID today! (Feb 14 2017) I applied for it last January 27 2017 so more or less it took 2 weeks plus :) not bad! I was expecting it to be more than that.. goes to show that the philpost has somewhat improved lol 
Here's my actual postal ID check em out :)

How's the ID? It was  made out of  plastic same materials used for driver's license  waaaay better than the old one where you had to laminate it lol! This is also the best picture I have had for postal! =D 

Did you pick it up? Nope It was delivered to me by the mail man :) he was friendly too. I did not have to go back to the post office to pick it up :) another improvement from the government ♥ 

So there you have it! :) Thank you for reading my post♥  For more information, details and requirements you can check out Philpost official website
Philpost website:
Postal ID direct link:

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