Event: Blind date with a book @ Buku-Buku Kafe

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Check out what buku-buku is offering for the "love" month of Feb!

"We are celebrating Love Month by holding a Blind Date with a Book exchange for the whole month of February. Participating in this blind date on your next visit to Buku-Buku Kafe gets 10% off regular food and drinks.

Below are our mechanics:
  1. Wrap your book. Make sure the title, blurb, and other details are hidden!
  2. On your wrapping paper, write something about the book and why you want to share it.
  3. Tag @buku.bukukafe and post a photo of your wrapped book on Instagram with the hashtag #BukuBlindDatePH. 
  4. Visit Buku-Buku Kafe and show your Instagram post to a Buku-Buku team member.
  5. Look for our Blind Date Book Box.
  6. Drop your book in and choose a new book to take home in exchange.
  7. Relax in Buku-Buku Kafe.
  8. Get the bill and your 10% discount.

What are you waiting for? come and join this fun and unique experience only @ buku-buku kafe 

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